Find out how much you can earn with your vacation rental in Houston, TX

      Hello vacation rental owners,

      We’re Casiola Houston and we are ready for lift-off!

      As we embark on this journey together, I want to extend a warm welcome to each of you. At Casiola, we excel in delivering exceptional vacation rental management services that enhance the experience for both owners and guests. Our team is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of your vacation home while ensuring a seamless, enjoyable process for you. We are eager to bring our expertise, passion, and innovative solutions to the vibrant Houston market.

      Together, we can create unforgettable stays and achieve outstanding success for your vacation rentals.

      Welcome to Casiola Houston!

      Vacation Home Expert

      Let a full team of professionals manage your vacation rental!

      Competitive Pricing Strategy

      We price your home just right, boosting your occupancy and increasing your revenue per available night.

      Worldclass marketing & distribution

      We make your home pop at the right price, drawing in the right guests who keep coming back.

      24/7 Guest support

      We look after your guests 24/7, to make sure they have an awesome stay and leave great reviews.

      5-star Property care

      Our property care teams keep your home safe, well-maintained and spotless.

      Tech designed for you

      Our property dashboard gives you 100% transparance into your vacation rental, including detailed statements, reports, analytics, and more.

      Local experts

      Our teams are true locals, deeply knowledgeable about every aspect of vacation home management in your area, ensuring exceptional, customized care.

      The best part? It’s all included in one straightforward 20% vacation rental commission fee.

      Joining Casiola Houston is an easy 3-step process

      Let’s talk

      Let’s schedule a 15-minute chat to discuss your Houston vacation rental and your goals.

      Forecast & agreement

      We create a rental forecast for your vacation rental in Houston along with a straightforward, coherent management agreement.


      We’ll handle the onboarding of your Houston vacation rental and make sure everything is ready to start earning money.

      Real-time Property Dashboard

      Everything going on in your vacation home in real-time. FREE for every Casiola homeowner.

      Free onboarding –  Cancel anytimeNo management fee  – No vendor markups – Low 20% commission fee

      Casiola Linen program

      As a vacation rental owner in Houston, you can benefit from the Casiola Linen Program, which provides high-quality linens and towels for every guest at no cost to you. This premium service ensures your guests enjoy freshly laundered, luxurious bedding and towels, boosting satisfaction and leading to better reviews and increased bookings. Enjoy hassle-free management while maximizing your rental’s success.

      Why you should choose Casiola Vacation Homes to manage your vacation rental.

      24/7 Guest support
      Professional cleaning
      Local team in every destination
      Pool heat management
      Guest screening
      Linen program
      Sustainable amenities
      Electronic locks
      3D Virtual tours
      Easy onboarding
      Professional owner team
      Listings on all top booking sites
      Professional photography
      Custom copywriting
      Dynamic pricing
      myCasiola property dashboard
      Easy cancellation
      Design team
      Inspections and regular maintenance
      Strategic partnerships
      SEO optimized listings
      Engaging social media
      Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy
      American Express Travel Select Homes + Retreats program
      Affirm payment integration
      Payment processing
      Targeted digital marketing
      Reporting & Financial services
      No party policy

      Start-to-finish Houston vacation rental management

      We showcase your Houston home

      We feature your vacation rental on leading platforms like Airbnb,, VRBO, and Expedia. Our approach includes vibrant, professional photography and dynamic pricing strategies to maximize your earnings.

      • Professional Photography: Our eye-catching photos are designed to make your listing stand out.
      • Dynamic Pricing: We utilize smart pricing tools to optimize your rental income.
      • Extensive Marketing: We promote your property on social media and through email campaigns to reach a wide audience.

      We manage & maintain your property

      As a comprehensive property management service, we take care of everything from bookings and guest interactions to check-ins and check-outs. Our team ensures that your property is impeccably maintained, and all regulatory requirements, including permits and taxes, are meticulously handled.

      • Comprehensive Care: We manage cleaning, restocking, and maintenance, ensuring your property is guest-ready at all times.
      • Quality Assurance: Each cleaning session is followed by a thorough inspection to maintain high standards.
      • Regulatory Compliance: We handle all permits, taxes, and inspections, keeping your property compliant and in good standing.

      We impress your guests

      We manage reservations and provide exceptional customer support, promptly addressing any inquiries to guarantee your guests have a memorable experience at your vacation home.

      • Seamless check-ins and check-outs: Efficient management ensures a smooth guest transition.
      • Around-the-clock support: Our 24/7 guest services are always available to assist with any needs.
      • Five-star experiences: We’re committed to helping you achieve top reviews through superior service and guest satisfaction.

      Casiola vacation rental FAQ

      Casiola Houston provides a comprehensive range of services, including property marketing, booking management, guest communication, housekeeping, maintenance, and financial reporting. We handle everything to ensure your property is well-maintained and maximizes its rental potential.

      We use advanced marketing strategies and partnerships with top travel websites to ensure your property gets maximum visibility.

      Our dynamic pricing model adjusts rates based on demand, seasonality, and local events to keep your home competitively priced and booked throughout the year.

      We stand out for our personalized approach, innovative technology, and commitment to exceptional guest experiences. We offer 24/7 guest support, a dedicated portfolio manager who takes care of your home, and a robust online portal – myCasiola – for you to track performance and bookings in real-time.

      Our professional maintenance team conducts regular inspections and responds promptly to any issues. Our housekeeping staff is trained to meet high standards of cleanliness, ensuring your property is always in pristine condition for guests.

      Casiola provides detailed monthly financial statements, showing rental income, and expenses. Owners can access their financial data and analytics anytime through myCasiola, offering full transparency and control over their investment.

      We prioritize guest satisfaction by ensuring 100% clean homes, 24/7 support, and premium amenities like the Casiola Linen Program. Happy guests lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings, boosting your property’s reputation and revenue.

      The Casiola Linen Program ensures high-quality linens and towels for every stay, enhancing the guest experience. Clean, comfortable linens contribute to guest satisfaction and help maintain excellent reviews, which are crucial for attracting future bookings. Best of all, this program comes at no extra cost for the owner. Read more here.

      Casiola provides a dedicated Owner Relations Manger to each owner, offering personalized support and expert advice. Our online portal myCasiola gives owners real-time access to booking calendars, financial reports, and performance metrics, making it easy to stay informed and in control.

      Choosing Casiola means maximizing your rental income, ensuring your property is well-maintained, and providing exceptional experiences for your guests. Our comprehensive services and dedicated support free you from the day-to-day management tasks, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your investment without the hassle.

      Getting started is easy! Simply contact us through our website or give us a call. We’ll discuss your property, answer any questions, and guide you through the onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition to our management services.

      Casiola offers an incredibly cost-effective property management solution for owners, ensuring that your experience is hassle-free and financially rewarding. With free onboarding, you can start without any initial costs. The flexibility to cancel anytime means you’re never locked into a long-term commitment. Casiola prides itself on having no management fees and no vendor markups, so you can be confident that you’re getting the best value without hidden charges.

      The only fee you’ll encounter is a low 20% commission, which is among the most competitive in the industry, ensuring you maximize your rental income while enjoying professional management services.

      More news about vacation rentals in Houston
